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  • Interviews von Origins



    12.09.16Co-founder and CEO Yves Guillemot opens up about the importance of staying independent

    You may have noticed that Ubisoft has been doing a lot of navel gazing recently. In part, this is because the French developer and publisher is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. But it's also because it is battling an unwanted takeover attempt from media conglomerate Vivendi.


    11.06.17July Cover Revealed – Assassin's Creed Origins

    The Assassin's Creed series has taken a year off since the release of Syndicate in 2015, and that additional time has given the team at Ubisoft Montreal a chance to realize its bold vision for the franchise. The Black Flag team pushed the series in new directions with its pirate-flavored entry, and their "nothing is sacred" approach is even more evident in Origins. Combat has been reimagined, navigation is tweaked, and foundational elements like Eagle Vision are taking on surprising new forms. We visited Montreal to get hands-on time with the game and talk to its creators, and our cover story packs in plenty of exclusive details within its 14 pages.


    21.06.17Ubisoft On Scaling Pyramids And Riding Camels In Origins

    With our new cover story on Assassin's Creed Origins, we're taking a thorough look at everything that Ubisoft is aiming to renovate with its newest entry. While visiting the studio in Montreal, we spoke with game director Ashraf Ismail about the traversal gameplay and what tweaks the team made to it, especially considering the ancient Eygpt setting. There are obvious changes, like now you can ride camels and chariots, but the team is going further than that by letting you climb "almost any rock surface" and even the Great Pyramids.
    Watch our interview with Ismail below to learn more about swimming, running, climbing, and jumping in Origins.


    09.07.17Protagonist “Is The Physical Embodiment of Ancient Egypt

    We recently held an interview with Ashraf Ismail, lead director of the upcoming Assassin’s Creed Origins, and in addition to a host of other things, he gave some interesting details on Bayek, the protagonist of the game, and how he is supposed to be a physical embodiment of the game’s setting, ancient Egypt itself. Apparently, Bayek’s story is tied intricately with that of Egypt itself, and it is this intertwined progression that will lead to the formation of the Assassins Brotherhood in the game’s story.


    16.07.17"We Selected Ancient Egypt Because It Has Centuries of Grandeur And Accomplishments"

    Assassin’s Creed Origins seems to be shaking up the formula of the series in almost every way imaginable, and that is thanks in large part to the game’s setting- ancient Egypt. We recently held an interview with the game’s director Ashraf Ismail, and when we asked him what was at the core of wanting to sort of reboot the franchise in such a way, he gave quiet an interesting answer. Ismail said that the team wanted to tell the story of the birth of the Assassins brotherhood, and ancient Egypt seemed like the perfect place to do that.


    30.07.17Assassin’s Creed Origins Won’t Release On Nintendo Switch – Ubisoft

    It’s been a long time since Nintendo systems received proper third party support the way PlayStation and Xbox do, with all the major multiplatform releases launching on their systems, and even though the Switch is looking like a success story for Nintendo, Ubisoft aren’t planning on extending that support for the Assassin’s Creed franchise just yet. If you were wondering whether the upcoming Assassin’s Creed Origins will be launching on the Switch at anytime in the future, chances are it won’t.


    31.07.17Xbox One X Enables Dynamic Resolution for Assassin’s Creed Origins, "4K is Amazing"

    With the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, so much potential seems to lie within each. Gamers are constantly curious of how exactly these new systems will reshape the games we play. While it may take a while to see true gameplay innovations, resolution and frame rate are two immediate benefactors of the increase in power.


    02.08.17Origins brings back tombs and they're based on the real thing

    Grave robbing is bad. But tomb raiding in Assassin's Creed Origins? That sounds very good. Creative director Ashraf Ismail confirmed in an interview in the latest issue of OPM that Origins will bring Assassin's Creed back to the cornucopias of puzzles and platforming that last appeared in Assassin's Creed 2, with a variety of styles to explore inspired by real-life history.


    05.08.17Q&A: We speak with Yves Guillemot

    GameSpot recently visited Ubisoft's studios in Singapore and Shanghai, while we also toured ChinaJoy and brought you pictures from the massive Chinese gaming show. As part of our trip, we had the opportunity to speak with Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot for a conversation about Ubisoft's efforts in Southeast Asia and other industry topics.


    14.08.17Developer Interview: Deserts, Egyptian Mystery, Water Traversal and More

    We chat with Assassin's Creed Origins lead Ashraf Ismail about numerous aspects of the genesis of the Assassin's Guild in Origins, and also in tackling ancient Egypt as playspace. Read on for what he had to say...


    18.08.17Die Spielwelt in der Vorschau - Antike ist nicht gleich Antike!

    Wir waren drei Monate vor dem Release von Assassin's Creed Origins zu Besuch bei Ubisoft Montreal. Dort durften wir nicht nur selbst Hand anlegen, sondern konnten mit den leitenden Entwicklern ausführlich über die Entstehung des Ägypten-Abenteuers sprechen. Im vierten Teil unserer Artikelreihe beleuchten wir die Spielwelt und das Setting im antiken Ägypten.


    24.08.17 Auf der Gamescom 2017 hat Rocket Beans TV ein Interview mit Ashraf Ismail geführt. Hierbei ging es allgemein um Assassin's Creed Origins.


    04.09.17What Are The Sands Willing To Reveal This Time Around?

    There’s no denying that Assassin’s Creed Origins was a huge hit with a lot of people at this year’s E3. After taking a short break from the series, Ubisoft took in the problems of past iterations to create a new, original story that goes all the way back to the origin of the assassin’s brotherhood in ancient Egypt.


    08.09.17Director Calls Xbox One X Version "Most Beautiful Version"

    Ubisoft first showed off Assassin’s Creed Origins during the Microsoft conference at E3 2017. The game is a stunning open-world depiction of ancient Egypt, and its gameplay proves just that. Xbox One X will launch this coming November, and apparently it’ll be receiving the best version of Assassin’s Creed Origins.


    04.09.17 I had another chat with Ashraf Ismail (AC Origins Game Director) at PAX West! We discuss Aya, systemic gameplay, cats, and more...


    29.09.17Bayek voice actor didn’t know he was auditioning for Assassin’s Creed

    You would think Ubisoft might openly call for actors to apply for roles in a new Assassin’s Creed – but apparently they start by fibbing to the hopeful performers.

    Assassin's Central

    07.10.17Loot & Combat Explained

    Louise catches up with Assassin's Creed Origins game director Ashraf Ismail to break down the brand new combat and loot system.


    05.10.17Why a marriage is at the heart of Assassin's Creed Origins

    It turns out Assassin's Creed Origins has a squidgy, soft heart under all that shiny armor. Beneath the stabbing, hippo slaughter and treasure hunting is something that's pretty rare in the world of AAA games, a marriage. Bayek and Aya, the heroes of the latest installment, are actually sort of adorable. She teases him, he pulls faces to make her laugh, all while plotting the downfall of evildoers. #relationshipgoals.


    27.09.17Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future

    The arrival of Assassin’s Creed Origins on October 27 will mark a significant milestone for the series. Not only will the game explore an intriguing new era of history and tell the story of how the Assassin Brotherhood was formed, it will also release almost 10 years to the day after the first Assassin’s Creed launched. In the decade since the series’ inception, Assassin’s Creed games have sold hundreds of millions of copies and changed people’s lives, not least of whom are the developers who worked to bring each game to life. One of the developers that has been with the series since the first game is Jean Guesdon, the Creative Director of Assassin’s Creed Origins. We talked to Guesdon about what it was like to work on that first title, how the series has grown over time, and why now is the right time to take players to Ancient Egypt.

    BAFTA Guru

    10.10.17Interview mit Abubakar Salim, Sprecher von Bayek

    In einem neuen Interview der Seite BAFTA Guru spricht Abubakar Salim über das Schauspiel und Sprechen für Videogames. Darin schildert er, dass er anfangs dachte, er würde für eine neue TV Serie vorsprechen. Doch nachdem er ein paar Interpretationen der ihm vorgelegenen Texte durchspielte, offenbarte man ihm, dass es sich in Wirklichkeit gar nicht um eine TV Serie, sondern um die Videospielreihe Assassin's Creed gehe.


    25.10.17Zweites Interview mit Abubakar Salim

    Ubisoft hat ein weiteres Interview mit Bayeks englischen Sprecher Abubakar Salim veröffentlicht. Er erklärt darin seine Faszination, wie schnell sich die Technik entwickelt, um gezielt Körperbewegungen und Reaktionen eines Menschen aufzunehmen und diese in Animationen für Computermodelle umzusetzen. Dieser Prozess im Motion Capture Studio ist aber auch mit Umsicht verbunden, denn oft müssen Bewegungen umsichtig gemacht werden, damit die Bearbeitung in der Phase danach nicht zu kompliziert wird.


    26.10.17Jean Guesdon über die Entwicklung von Origins

    Creative Director Jean Guesdon spricht in einem Interview über die Entwicklung der letzten Assassin's Creed Spiele. Darüber, welche Designentscheidungen warum und weshalb getroffen wurden, welche Ziele man verfolgt hat beim Erzählen der Geschichten. Welche Notwendigkeiten sich auftaten, beim Gestalten der Welten wie dem kolonialen Nordamerika oder dem industriellen London und wo etwas aufgrund der neuen Spiellandschaft verworfen wurde.


    15.12.17Hinter den Kulissen im Studio

    Ubisoft stellt im Rahmen ihres Programmes "Hinter den Kulissen im Studio" die vielen verantwortlichen Bereiche im Entwicklerteam von Origins vor. Es wird beschrieben, woran sie gearbeitet und beteiligt waren.


    21.12.17Ägypten gestalten mit Raphael Lacoste

    Es gibt ein weiteres Interview von Ubisoft mit einem Beteiligten an der Entwicklung von Origins. In diesem erklärt Art Director Raphael Lacoste die Tätigkeiten seines Arbeitsplatzes und die Schritte, die man in der Entwicklung eines Spiels geht.


    22.12.17Im Studio mit Jeff Simpson

    Der zweite Teil der 'Im Studio' Reihe ist online, in dem Jeff Simpson, Illustrator von Origins, befragt wurde.


    26.01.18Im Studio mit Eric Porowski

    Der dritte Teil der 'Im Studio' Reihe ist nun verfügbar.

    Mit Origins kam ein vollständig neues Questsystem zum Einsatz, welches bis jetzt noch nie so in Assassin's Creed vorgekommen ist. Doch wie kam es dazu, dass man dieses einfügte und damit einen großen Schritt wagte, um die Reihe weiterzuentwickeln? Diese Fragen und noch viel mehr beantwortet uns der Associate Director of Quest Design, Eric Porowski.

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